Candlelight Christmas Service on Sunday, December 22 at 10am 

Candlelight Christmas Service
Sunday Morning,  December 22 at 10:00 am
*The Sunday morning service will be the only service before Christmas. The next service is Sunday, 12/29.

You are invited to the candlelight Christmas service at Crossroads Church!

We will darken the room and cover the windows for a special morning candellight service worshiping Jesus!
We will share scripture, hear the Christmas story, receive communion, sing carols, and hear how Jesus changes everything.
After the service, we will have Christmas cookies and hot chocolate!

Nursery is available for younger children up to age 4.
We will have activity packets available for families with children sitting together in the service,
and the classroom downstairs will be open if parents need to go down with their kids.
We hope to see you this Sunday! Merry Christmas!

We are located at 610 Carmans Rd, Farmingdale, NY 11735.

 Please email if you have questions.  Merry Christmas!